Alma Hybrid Laser Skin Resurfacing
Alma Hybrid is all about achieving balance: the balance between respecting your natural beauty, and enhancing what nature has given you; between the most powerful technology and the gentleness of your skin; between delivering maximum results, and the need for minimum downtime.
Encompassing 3 essential treatments for perfect resurfacing, stimulating new collagen and regeneration of the dermis, and delivery of skin essentials, Alma Hybrid gives you results you never dreamed possible!
The Alma Hybrid combines both CO2 and the 1570 wavelength all in one treatment which allows for better results and less downtime. The Hybrid treats rosacea, fine lines and wrinkles, skin laxity, keloids and scars, benign lesions, acne, stretch marks, striae, sun damage, pigment concerns, tone and texture, skin rejuvenation and skin resurfacing.
Alma Hybrid CO2 is resurfacing/ablating the skin, removing degraded tissue and forcing new healthy tissue to grow in it's place, while the 1570 is leaving the surface of the skin in place and delivering microbeams deep into the dermis.
Who is a good candidate? Anyone from their early 20s all the way to their 90s can benefit from the Hybrid treatment. By customizing the settings we can treat a variety of skin concerns. From a simple “glow up” all the way to someone looking for very aggressive CO2 treatment.
How many treatments are required? During your consultation your provider will assess your skin to personalize a treatment plan for you. Best results are typically seen after 3 treatments, although noticeable improvements will be seen after 1 treatment.
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